Recently, many parts of controversial immigration law were canceled. The French constitutional court made this decision after the growing protests across the country against this law. This criticism badly impacts the country.
This immigration law passed in December. The purpose of it is to make French immigration policies more strict. It included measures to deport foreigners deemed “undesirable” and to limit access to social welfare for foreign-born residents. The leader of the centrist alliance President Emmanuel Macron works with the conservative Republicans party. Both collaborate to pass the law and describe it as a compromise.
But many citizens of this nation opposed the law. This criticism is appreciated by Marine Le Pen, a leader of the far-right National Rally party. He is also Macron’s rival in the election. Marine Le Pen praised the opposition and considered it as an ideological victory.
In response to public protest, the French Constitutional Council struck down more than a third of the law’s provisions. This includes measures that would have made it more difficult for migrant families to reunite, restricted birthright citizenship, and limited access to state welfare programs.
The court decision, made at the request of Macron, faced a lot of criticism by French citizens. Interior minister reported that approximately 75,000 people criticized the decision and protested in the street. The protests were called for by hundreds of left-wing leaders and environmentalists who wrote in France’s Libération newspaper, arguing that the new law reduces protections and rights for foreigners in France, going against the principles of the French Revolution.
Here what you should know about the law and why protestors opposed it.
Why did French people come into the street to protest?
2023 was the year when the French protested many times. And the latest protest was due to pass a new controversial immigration law. This law led to the resignation of former Prime Minister Élisabeth Borne in January. Cutting social benefits was the key issue in it. Furthermore, President Macron also wanted some changes in it. This includes payment of fees for foreign students to study in France.
Furthermore, one of the hot topics across Europe is the immigration reform.
Immigration reform is a hot topic across Europe. Germany also saw mass protests against a right-wing party wanting to deport many foreign residents.
Furthermore, French people see this new law as a move to the right. This also increases political tension. Marine Le Pen’s party now holds 88 seats in the lower house and might run for president in 2027, when Macron can’t run again. Le Pen’s party was the most popular in a poll taken in mid-December.
Le Pen’s National Rally views immigration as a threat to French identity and security, suggesting the government should close its borders, according to a May 2022 Migration Policy Institute report.
Is this nation experiencing a surge in immigration?
According to Macron, France is the nation that faces huge pressure from migrants right now, but isn’t overwhelmed by immigration.
According to recent data, France immigration population is increasing day by day. In 2010 the percentage was about 8.5% while in 2022 it was about 10.3%. The number of immigrants has been growing faster than the total population since the 2000s.
France is the country that has the largest muslim population. Most immigrants belong to Africa, Algeria and Morocco. Many North African Muslims came to France in the late 20th century, challenging the country’s secular identity.
Terrorist attacks have also changed views on what it means to be French. In October 2023, a French teacher was killed in a suspected Islamist attack, increasing fears across the nation.
How has France’s view on immigration evolved?
French President Macron said in December that immigration law is what the French people require. Recent polls are in favor of this.
BFM-TV/Elabe survey showed that 70% of people were happy with the new law, but only 43% thought it was balanced. Additionally, 73% believed the law was influenced by the National Rally party.
Well, the immigration views in France are mixed. Some data show that French people are becoming more positive about immigration. Furthermore, the U.S. News Best Countries survey found that French attitudes towards increasing immigration were among the most negative out of 36 countries.